Sunday, 30 August 2015

The Brightest Witch: Hermione Granger


“Its LEVIOSA, not LEVIOSAR!” and “Now, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed. Before either of you come up with another clever idea to make us killed, or worse, EXPELLED.” This is the two quotes that sometimes made people who watch this movies made them feel a bit, irritated to this girl, I guess so. However, if you do watch and followed this movie, it’s not what it looks like at the first time. Hermione Granger is in every series of Harry Potter.

JK Rowling’s women is a strange of bunch (Boswell, 2007). But, this is what makes the movie special rather than other movies. Hermione Granger is one of the two best friends of Harry Potter and followed him to the hunting of the Horcruxes.

Hermione Jean Granger

Biographical Information Hermione Granger
Hermione Jean Granger
19 September, 1979
Marital Status
Ø  Prefect
Ø  Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Ø  Leader of S.P.E.W
Family Information
Ø  Mr. Granger
Ø  Mrs. Granger
Ronald Bilius Weasley
Ø  Hugo Weasley
Ø  Rose Weasley
Magical Characteristics
10 ¾”, vine wood, dragon heartstring
Ø  Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (formerly)
Ø  Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Ø  Dumbledore’s Army
Ø  Order of the Phoenix
Ø  Leader of S.P.E.W

Hermione Jean Granger is a Muggle born, but she is the brightest witch in her age. She’s Hermione first met Harry and Ron when they are boarding in the Hogwarts Express. At first, Harry and Ron tried to avoid from being friends with her because she’s loud and bossy to every person around her. But when Hermione helped them when the three of them bumped into a troll in the girl lavatories, they started be a really good friend.

Among all of the three, Hermione is the brightest and always be the one who helped Harry solved problems that they encountered. Each year that the trio faced all the problems when Voldemort tried to hunt Harry, she’s the one doing the studying on how to overcome it. When Dumbledore died, he gave Harry a little piece information about the Horcruxes, and she’s the one that helped Harry to arrange the puzzles. In the last book, she helped Harry to destroy one piece of Horcruxes which is the Helga Hufflepuff’s cup.

I love Hermione Granger so much because she taught be that be a feminist is okay and it’s okay to be a slightly nerdy for your own good sometimes. By making Hermione is the greatest and brightest witch in her age, Rowling sent a strong message about the gender discrimination. Hermione is a really good friend, which she will do everything to help Harry including if she had to sacrifice herself. She taught me its okay to have courage and be brave for the sake of friendship, and be a great fighter.


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